Script Excerpt 

(Scene changes: Shows an ordinary building. Altair walks into it, walks up certain levels and goes into a dark office. Looks around, and sees a chair turned on him. The chair turns, and shows a man in black.)


Man in black: Please, sit down.


(Altair sits down)


Man in black: I’ve been very interested to meet you…. Altair…. My name is Dan Darvus. I am the founder of this place…. The headquarters of SniperScope.


Altair: What is this, SniperScope, you speak of?


Dan: It is an assassination program, only for the highest and most lethal assassins. We have bases all over the world, Thailand, Russia, Somalia, you name it. We kill people we don’t particulary feel fit into modern society. People who poison the minds of young children and teens. People, who are just too stupid to be alive.


Altair: So…. You would be talking about some of the third Crusade commanders who roam the streets of Jerusalem…. Or-


Dan: (clears throat) whatever. The point I’m trying to get as is that we are a very feared assassination program, with only the highest ranking assassins, and I am asking you if you would like to join us.


Altair: Um-

Dan: (gives an excited look)


Altair: Well, um, you see Dan, I already work for a man named Almualim

Dan: And how much does this Al mualim pay you?


Altair: Fifty Gold a month.


Dan: Here at SniperScope, we pay you double that amount every week!


Altair: Hmmm……


Dan: Free boston cream pie every Friday……


Altair: (tap tap)


Dan: Lots of leave. You can have months of holiday.


Altair: Alright, I’m in.


Dan: Great! Show me what you can do (tosses Altair a pistol)

Altair: What is this queer contraption?


Dan: (gives strange look) A gun.


Altair: Oh right, yes (laughs) just couldn’t quite see it that well


(Altair examines the trigger, and pulls. The gun shoots and hits a picture of Dan on the wall)


Dan: You don’t know how to use a gun, do you?


(Altair turns his head)


Dan: Why I am I wasting my time with you? Leave!


Altair: No wait please! I am very skilled in the art of the knife!

Dan: Fine, I’m giving you one more chance.


( Altair pulls out a knife, and starts doing amazing killing moves. Takes out his throwing knives and does some more tricks)


Dan: …….You start work tomorrow morning 10:00 am sharp