Q. How can I audition for Assassin's Deed?

A. You can e-mail us via the Contact Us page, with a name, who you are auditioning for, a photo (for security reasons) and a valid e-mail address.

Q. When and where are auditions?

A. We don't have a solid date or place for auditions, however, once we have enough people we will schedule a place and time for them. NOTE: All applicants must be accompanied by a parent/guardian.

Q. Can I bring a friend to auditions?

A. Of course, bring as many as you like! The more the merrier they say!

Q. When does filming start?

A. If all goes according to plan, then sometime in April 2009!

Q. Do cast members get anything.... You know?

A. Yes! After the movie is done, cast members will receive a copy of the movie and there's going to be a huge finishing party!